Fall 2022 Stargazing: JWST Photos and Jupiter Opposition

Fall 2022 Stargazing: JWST Photos and Jupiter Opposition

Karen Masters shares her seasonal guide to stargazing, including her favorite JWST photos, Jupiter’s Opposition this September, and a calendar of major stargazing events this Fall.

Karen Masters shares her seasonal guide to stargazing, including her favorite JWST photos, Jupiter's Opposition this September, and a calendar of major stargazing events this Fall. Karen Masters is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Chair of Physics and Astronomy, and KINSC Director at Haverford College. JWST Images JWST, the “Just Wonderful Space Telescope” (here I am deliberately avoiding the official full name due to the ongoing name controversy, and instead amplifying Chanda Prescod-Weinstein’s excellent renaming suggestion), has been wowing astronomers all over the world with its images of the cosmos since it achieved first light in February of this...